If you’ve ever been in need of emergency dental treatment, you know how important it is to find a dentist that can see you right away. Emergency dentists provide care for patients with dental problems that can’t wait for a regular appointment. They can handle everything from broken teeth to infections, and their goal is to get you out of pain as quickly as possible. If you’re in need of emergency dental care, you can find an emergency dentist at Athens Dental Group. We offer emergency dental care for patients in the Watkinsville area.

If you have a toothache, chipped tooth, or other dental emergencies, contact us and we will do our best to see you as soon as possible. We understand that dental emergencies can be painful and we will do everything we can to help.

What is Emergency Dentistry?

Emergency dentistry is a branch of dentistry that focuses on providing immediate care to patients with dental problems that can’t wait to schedule a regular appointment. Emergency dentists are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

At Athens Dental Group, we offer emergency dental care for patients of all ages. No matter what your emergency is, we will do our best to see you as soon as possible and get you out of pain.

Common Emergency Dentistry Cases

There are many different cases that emergency dentists can handle. Some of the most common include:

Broken Teeth

If you have a broken tooth, it’s important to see an emergency dentist right away. They will be able to determine if the tooth can be saved or if it needs to be extracted.

Severe Pain

While eating or drinking, you may suddenly experience severe pain in your teeth or gums. This can be a sign of an infection, and it’s important to see an emergency dentist as soon as possible.


Excessive bleeding from the gums or mouth may require emergency dental care. If you’ve been involved in an accident and are bleeding from the mouth, it’s also important to seek medical attention right away. Gingivitis may also cause bleeding, so it’s important to see a dentist if you’re experiencing this symptom.

Types of Emergency Dentistry Watkinsville Services


Extractions are one of the most common emergency dental procedures. If you have a tooth that is severely decayed or damaged, it may need to be extracted. During an extraction, your tooth is completely removed from its socket.

The licensed dentists at Athens Dental Group have experience performing extractions, and we will make sure that you’re comfortable throughout the entire procedure.

Root Canal Therapy

Another common emergency dental procedure is root canal therapy. This is used to treat an infection that has reached the root of your tooth. During a root canal treatment, the dentist will clean out the infected tissue and then seal the tooth to prevent further infection.

Root canal therapy at Athens Dental Group is performed by Dr. Sandifer who is very experienced in those types of cases. We use the latest technology to make sure that your root canal is as comfortable and effective as possible.

Athens Dental Group is equipped to handle all of your emergency dental needs. We understand that dental emergencies can be painful and we will do everything we can to get you out of pain as quickly as possible.

Call Athens Dental Group For Emergency Dentistry Watkinsville Services!

Athens Dental Group is here to help you with all of your emergency dental needs. We offer emergency dental care for patients in the Watkinsville area. Contact us today at (706) 666-4611 to schedule an appointment. We understand that dental emergencies can be frightening, but we’re here to help you through every step of the way.