We make cosmetic imperfections disappear!

A guide to easy, economical dental bonding

At Athens Dental Group, we treat individuals of all ages and families across the generations throughout greater northern and eastern Georgia. We appreciate that all patients, regardless of their age or stage of life, deserve to have a smile they can be proud of, and dental bonding presents one of the fastest and most economical ways to keep or restore your youthful, vibrant, and healthy appearance.

What is dental bonding?

Bonding is a cosmetic dentistry procedure. It involves applying a dental material, such as composite resin, to the front surfaces of “imperfect” teeth. Once the material has been expertly shaped and secured to the teeth by our talented dentists, Drs. Drew Richardson, Brant Sandifer, and R. Lawrence George, it covers up chips, small cracks, stubborn stains, and other cosmetic concerns.

Am I a good candidate for dental bonding?

We will not know for sure if bonding or another treatment or service available at our office is best for you until after scheduling a consultation at our office. During your visit, Drs. Richardson, Sandifer, and George will examine your teeth and gums. They will also discuss what you like and don’t like about your smile and your goals for treatment (among other considerations). Bonding must be performed on otherwise healthy teeth with healthy, supportive gums and tissues. “Treatable” conditions for bonding include:

Dummy Teeth
  • Chipped teeth
  • Cracks that do not warrant more extensive restorative treatment
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Other spacing issues that do not require orthodontic care
  • Teeth with deep discoloration and severe stains, which do not respond well to professional bleaching products
  • Irregularly-shaped teeth
  • Teeth that are worn and could benefit from “resizing”

What should I expect during bonding treatment?

Bonding can be completed in just one appointment. Preparation is minimal. Our dentists will slightly etch or abrade the tooth’s surface and condition it. That way, they ensure the strongest bond between the resin and the tooth. After the material has been perfectly prepared and color-matched to the rest of the tooth and neighboring teeth, it will be applied as a putty. 

Since the composite is pliable, it can be shaped to precisely cover chips, excess spaces, and other cosmetic imperfections. Once all looks good, the material is hardened and fixed securely to the tooth using a curing light. Our dentists can also make small refinements as needed and polish the treated teeth to their most brilliant luster.

What are the benefits of bonding?

Many of our patients are shocked by how easy the process is and how dramatically improved their smile looks with dental bonding. The benefits do not stop there, as bonding is:

  • A considerably more affordable option than veneers
  • Fast – can be completed in one appointment
  • Comfortable – sensitivity is avoided because no tooth enamel is removed
  • Reversible because the natural tooth structure is not altered or reduced
  • Conservative – preserves as much healthy and natural tissue

Experience the many benefits of bonding for yourself! Call (706) 666-4611 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Drew Richardson, Dr. Brant Sandifer, or Dr. R. Lawrence George at Athens Dental Group.

Our office proudly serves individuals and families from Watkinsville, Athens, Winder, Bethlehem, Jefferson, Winterville, Madison, and greater Clarke and Oconee counties with exceptional cosmetic, restorative, and general dentistry services.